Paying off your credit card debt can be damaging to your financial status that you often resort to just about any technique or method needed to get out of that trap. However, you need to methodically analyze your decisions in terms of handling your debt settlement since they can impact your long-term financial status. Moreover, legal complications could get in the way and that's the least you want to happen with an already escalating credit card debt balance.
If you want a good credit card debt settlement, you must try to avoid any of the following methods or mistakes. Most of them include pointers on what you should avoid if you would not want your credit card debt to continue escalating.
Closing Your Account
Some people become extremely fed up with their credit card debt due to their inability to meet the rising interest rate and debt balance to settle. Therefore, most opt for the easy way out, which is to close their accounts. While this solves one aspect of your problem, it offers another type of dilemma. Doing so will cause your credit rating to take a massive dip.
Here's a solution that you can try. If you have determined to not want to use the cards, then set it aside. You need to really fulfill the promise to not use cards in any of your purchases again since it can easily add up to your debts. Meanwhile, make sure to continue settling any other existing credit card debts while you help yourself by not adding more to the damage.
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